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9apps Pretty calculator

Calculations are a part of day to day life. Calculations are done not just by people who run business but also why people who belong to normal household. The category of students is the category which is in the need of calculator the most. Get your calculator from 9apps store. The most oldest form of calculator is abacus. It was used for doing even complex calculations. after abacus came the traditional calculator which is still used by many people for the purpose of making various calculations. But technology has changed the way things were used. Smartphone is a device which has almost every kind of alternate to the traditional devices. For example alarm clocks were used so that an individual can wake up at time in the morning but the same alarms are available in the smartphone and most of the people are using the alarms in smartphone instead of using the traditional alarms because it comes more handy. Same is the case with audio and video recorder, camera, watch, calendar etc. Smartphone has taken place of many traditional devices. Same is the case with calculator.

App for smartphone

There are many apps relating to calculator which are available online. The smart phones also have inbuilt calculator but this calculator are more in the form of traditional calculator. There is nothing interesting or new about these calculator. This prompts the user to use calculators which are fancy. And apps relating to calculator are available which are quite attractive and different.

Pretty calculator is one such app. It has four different themes. The user can download this app through play store. This is a completely free to download app. This app makes boring calculations interesting. The user can choose any theme that the user like. The various themes of this calculator has different colours and characters.

Download complex calculator from 9apps

This calculator is able to perform the normal calculations as well as complex calculations. By using this calculator the user can make calculations quite quickly. This calculator is very useful for students and for people who are in the business of accounting. Priti calculator is a very simple to use app and is also completely safe to download from 9apps. By using this calculator the user can make any kind of calculation easily. Method of input in this calculator is also very simple. The user do not need to give any complex input for making calculation. 9apps store contain mobile application form downloading free.


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