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Haya - Group Voice Chat App

 Haya – FUN voice social chat together ***

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◆ Gathering friends all over the world | Turn on your mic, and start chatting!

◆ Real time online chatting with multiple people | Let the party begin!

◆Coolest interaction | Perfect gifts to light up the mood, say goodbye to awkward silence.

◆Show the world your talent by singing, telling stories, or showing off your gaming skills.

「Haya Special」

◆Private Message | Anytime, anywhere group or 1 on 1 instant messages for private friend chatters.

◆ Hottest Shows | Pop-up lives rock your world.

◆ Special Gifts | Time to show your love and humor with bunch of cool gifts.

◆ Social Moments | Keep up with your friends has never been soo easy!

Special Functions

【Game Center】Tired of talking on the live? Adventure in the jungle, the gold route…… Come here and have fun playing these awesome leisure games! Free gifts and U coins are waving at you! n(*≧▽≦*)n

【Live Stream Alert】Get notified as soon as your favorite anchor is live streaming. Never miss a show. Ding ding ding, your girl is on air~(´◔-◔)

【Meet The One】Broadcasters all over the world. Calling all vocalholics, fly to your favorite show room!

【Non Stop Partying】Thousands of group voice chat rooms with various topics, music, life, mingles …… Never a dull moment.

Get on Haya and have more fun! ❤


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