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Beyond the Benefits of mobile app development & website design For Business

  4 Web Design Principles To Take Note Blog Page |

Web Designing

Just like the phrase ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, an effective web design is judged by the users and not by the owners of the said mobile app  development & website design. There are a ton of different factors that affect the overall usability of a mobile app  development & website design. However, it’s not just about the form of the mobile app  development & website design (how appealing it is), but also its functionality (how easy it is to use).

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mobile app  development & website designs that are poorly designed have a tendency to perform poorly and have sub-optimal Google Analytics metrics (e.g. high bounce rates, low time on the mobile app  development & website design, low pages per visit and low conversions). So, aside from knowing the benefits of a mobile app  development & website design for business, you should also know the best ways on how to design a mobile app  development & website design for your business.

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Below, we will present some of the basic principles of an effective web design. Following these will help make your mobile app  development & website design aesthetically pleasing to the eye, easy to use, engaging and efficient.

The Purpose

A good web design always caters to the needs of all of the users out there. Are your web visitors seeing for data, entertainment, interactions of some sort, or to transact with your business? Every single page on your site needs to have a clear purpose and to help fulfill a certain need for your mobile app  development & website design users in the most efficient way as possible.

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People on the internet have a tendency to want information fast, so it’s vital to communicate clearly and make all of the information you present east to read and digest. Some of the most effective tactics to include in your web design should include: organizing information using both headlines and subheadlines, using bullet points instead of long windy sentences, and cutting the waffle as well.

Beyond the Benefits of mobile app  development & website design For Business

The Typefaces

In general, Sans Serif fonts such as Arial and Verdana are easier to read when used online (Sans Serif fonts are considered to be complementary looking fonts without the decorative finishes). The main principle behind font size for reading easily online is 16px and stick to a maximum of 3 typefaces in a maximum of 3 point sizes to help keep your design streamlined.

The Colors

A well thought out color palette can take you an extra mile to help enhance user experience. Complementary colors help generate both balance and harmony. Making use of contrasting colors for your text and background will make reading easier on the eye. The vibrant colors for the text and background will make reading easier on the eye.

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In addition, vibrant colors help create emotion and should be utilized sparingly (e.g. for buttons and call-to-actions). Lastly, white space/negative space is an effective way of giving your mobile app  development & website design a modern and uncluttered look.

Knowing these basic principles on how to design a mobile app  development & website design is vital when it comes to gaining success for your business. In addition to knowing the benefits of a mobile app  development & website design for business, knowing these basic web design principles can guide your site to the success it truly deserves to be getting. And you won’t have to deal with those angry clients just because they hate the way you designed your site.


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