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Professional Debt Settlement Company Professional Debt Settlement Service

 Personal phone consultation to safeguard your financial data

 With our debt settlement service, you can eliminate credit card debt and personal loans while avoiding bankruptcy. We can reduce the total amount you owe - not just your interest rates. Debt settlement is a faster way to get out of debt, much faster than what is offered by credit counseling companies. By negotiating a debt settlement, your money problems can become a thing of the past

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 Our debt settlement method is designed to help you avoid bankruptcy by reducing your personal loans and credit card debt by 40-60%. We are not funded by credit card companies like most Credit Counseling Services.

Like many Americans, you may be suffering heavy debt. Maybe your bills are piling up from month-to-month. Or maybe you're getting harassing phone calls and letters from collection agencies. Possibly you're considering bankruptcy.

If any of this sounds familiar, a debt settlement plan may be your answer. An effective debt settlement plan will allow you to eliminate your debts for pennies on the dollar.

Professional Debt Settlement Company Professional Debt Settlement Service

You could let a professional debt settlement company help you, but if you feel comfortable dealing directly with creditors on your own, you can do your own free debt settlement plan.

 Do-It-Yourself Free Debt Settlement 

Not comfortable dealing with creditors yourself? A debt settlement company can do it for you, and can do the entire process quickly.

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Determine how much you can afford to pay in total to settle debt. Write down all of your essential expenses, such as rent, mortgage, food, etc. Subtract this amount from your monthly net pay. Whatever is left over is what you can pay out each month on your debt settlement plan.

Make a list of all of your delinquent accounts and the amounts owed on each.

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Next to each creditor's name and balance owed, write down how much of your debt settlement budget you can pay toward that account. The closer to 50% of the balance that you can get, the better chance you'll have of getting your offer accepted.

Contact your creditors (or the collection agencies if your debt has been turned over). Explain your plan and how it affects them. Explain that your current financial situation simply won't allow you to make your payments as you originally agreed.

Tell creditors how much you owe in total, how much you have available to pay off all your debts, and how much you can pay to settle their particular accounts. Let them know that your offer is being sent to all of your creditors, and the ones who accept the offer first will be paid off first.

You'll receive some acceptance letters as well as rejections. Keep a copy of the acceptance letters for your records and immediately send in the amounts agreed upon, requesting a receipt stating "paid in full". Don't send any debt settlement payments until you get the revised agreement in writing.

Each month, repeat the process while adjusting your debt settlement offers upwards. You can now afford to offer each creditor a higher percentage of the outstanding balance because you have fewer debts left to pay off. Again, you'll receive some acceptance letters and perhaps rejections.

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Keep repeating this process each month until all of your debts have been settled.

Important things to keep in mind: 

Insist on getting all debt settlement agreements in writing, and never pay the amount agreed upon until you receive the signed written agreement. Your creditors could easily accept your offer on the phone, then "forget" about the settlement offer after receiving a payment.

Keep all signed agreements and receipts for your records, even after the accounts have been marked "settled" on your credit reports.

Be very careful with your finances in the future to ensure that you never have to go through the debt settlement process again.


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